2Old2Drive/Drivers Who Suck
Tuesday, September 28, 2004
Mark Wilson's Home Page
Mark Wilson's Home Page

I should get a hybrid, this would get me squashed like a bug (if it were even available in U.S.)

Sunday, September 26, 2004
Home Depot additional photos
Home Depot

Pickup Car
Pickup Car

Incredible Overload
Incredible Overload

I'm NOT perfect ( A disclaimer )
Look, just so y'all don't think I'm a hypocrite, my insurance company won't even let me drive my car anymore(Big engine&Big price tag. Big Risk.) Way too many speeding tickets. A few missed opportunities to fight them in court. Some misplaced piles of mail, perhaps (blame the dog for chasing the cat round the coffee table. xmas cards under the couch found in June gave a sick sense of doom to the rest of the revelation).

Honest officer, I had no idea I was suspended. Are the cuffs really neccessar, ow, kinda tight, huh?

Saturday, September 25, 2004
Hypocrites.com - Funny
Hypocrites.com - Funny & weird pictures, funny road & street signs, adult cartoons,photoshopped images and more.

Do you know anybody this "Intellectually Challenged"?

Friday, September 24, 2004
LCH-909 Maryland
12:45(ish) AM

Did you see all those SLOW-assed 18wheelers crawling up the Bay Bridge? They were in front of me and, well, I kinda figured I wouldn't, ya know, like, rush them.......

You were behind me. I do all my own brake work and had just replaced some bulbs in the back. Each time I saw you getting really , really close (like when I couldn't see your front bumper in my rear view mirror and you were so close I wasn't able to see you in either of my sideview mirrors) I would turn on my 4way flashers. First one blink...no response. 2blinks.....still you were way too close. Remember those slow trucks? Need I mention the construction at night so there is only one span open, and this two lane bridge is now two way traffic(no passing)?

OK, time to test my brake work. Hmmm, results. Oh, only temporary. Rinse&repeat. Still right on my ASS. Tailgated for the entire FOUR Mile length of the bridge. Thanks.

Your parents named you Richard, right? What do your friends call you? Dick?

BTW. Your right headlight was already burned out. If you hit me, and the other one broke, where would that leave you? In the dark? Or were you already there?

Thursday, September 23, 2004
You know who you are (details later)
Goddard Space Flight Center
Greenbelt, MD

My co-worker asked me yesterday : "Who were you honking at when we got off Friday?"
Turns out, some clown was flying down the hill and honked at me. He couldn't handle the fact that I came out into the acceleration lane, smoothly merged into his lane and then immediately moved left again into the empty lane. Seems to me he ignored or failed to notice that the traffic light two hundred yards ahead had been and still was RED. Since I knew I would have to stop anyway, I planned accordingly. He, however, changed lanes after I moved out of his lane and got pissed that I was then in his way.

DumbAss then tail gates me another 200 yards while I leave the light, once green, blinking left to turn for the gas station. Right lane clear for his use if he should choose to do so, but.......

Wednesday, September 22, 2004
MRE-817 Maryland Grey Mustang
03:05 to 03:15PM
Kent Island, Maryland : Rt-50 Westbound continuing to uphill approach of/near Rt-2.

The woman I saw today(obviously driving her son's Mustang with granddaughter on-board) who couldn't for the life of her understand why I spent ten miles honking and flashing ALL my signals/lights and pointing to the turn signal stalk on my steering column & then at her car. She made numerous lane changes to the left and to the right. But she maintained that right turn signal turned on the whole ten miles so we would all know she eventually meant to exit the highway.

Friday, September 17, 2004
45P-459 Maryland Gaines&Co. Underground Utilities
You cut me off at the end of the cones after the toll booths, forcing me to jam on my brakes. Inconsiderate, dangerous , and real rude with the middle finger near the top of the bridge.

Goddard Space Flight Center
Greenbelt, MD

Hey! Just because you were second in line doesn't mean you can't have a spine!
You let four people turn LEFT in front of us before I could follow you into the K-Mart shopping center. Real smooth .

A/P 0230 Firefighter Union 1563 Maryland
Kent Island, Maryland : Rt-50 Westbound

Ya know, after several miles, it would seem that...
Turn Signals WOULD BE NICE !

NXL-95H New Jersey
Annapolis, Maryland : Rt-50 Eastbound
4:27PM (Approximate)
You cut through the cones dividing lanes just after coming out of the toll booths.
Thanks for making me jam on my brakes. Inconsiderate, dangerous , doofus!

KYD-075 Maryland
Annapolis, Maryland : Rt-50 Eastbound

Small maroon two door, jamming into small spaces between cars.
Lots of lane changes without much thought to safety or efficient progress.

MGD-630 Maryland
Annapolis, Maryland : Rt-50 Eastbound

I saw you go by me, really fast. (Whole bunch of cars there, up ahead.)
Dumb-Ass , you slammed on your brakes when you got too close.

Thursday, September 16, 2004
KLH-626 Maryland
Goddard Space Flight Center
Greenbelt, MD

Dark Grey Toyota Avalon

At the end of Cipriano Road, there is an acceleration lane to go right on Rt-193. There is room for two vehicles if you stay to the left to allow others to pass. Using your turn signals also helps.
Depending on traffic, using the acceleration lane without coming to an abrupt and COMPLETE STOP will work to swing over to the left into Goddard. You might try that some time.

M779145 Maryland

Bowie, Maryland : Rt-50 Westbound
Brown&Tan (Ford Windstar?) Van

You drive way too fast, thinking you'll pass on the right, going around somebody in the left lane already doing 75mph. Problem is , Dumb-Ass , you had to slam on your brakes because you got within a single car length of the guy in the center lane and found you couldn't squeeze back into the left lane. I'm just glad you didn't swing to the right lane and sideswipe me. You finally sped away @ 90mph to get stuck behind ALL the traffic less than an eighth of a mile ahead.
Not the sharpest tool in the shed, ya know?

Monday, September 13, 2004
KFH-129 Maryland
Some months ago, gee,was it last summer? Old woman, blind to my vehicle on the road, changed lanes forcing me to rapidly manoever to avoid collision. My daily commute requires use of headlights on one highway. Am I f#%king invisible? I don't think so...!

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