2Old2Drive/Drivers Who Suck
Thursday, February 24, 2005
Va. House Panel Cites 'Liberty' In Yanking Red-Light Cameras (washingtonpost.com)
Va. House Panel Cites 'Liberty' In Yanking Red-Light Cameras (washingtonpost.com): "Others pointed to studies that show that rear-end crashes increase at monitored intersections. They also said there were better ways of cutting down on red-light runners, such as extending the time of yellow lights.
'These cameras cause more accidents than they prevent . . . their own reports show that,' said Jim Kadison, a member of the National Motorist Association, which has long fought the use of the technology."

Abduction Prevention- Current Articles- Dignity Memorial Escape School The Responsibility Involved with Taking the Wheel
Abduction Prevention- Current Articles- Dignity Memorial Escape School: " For a town that has fewer than 10,000 residents, there are nonetheless more than 35 names on this memorial, with the oldest decedent being 27 years of age. "

Wednesday, February 23, 2005
Maryland Governor ~ Robert L. Ehrlich, Jr. ~ 2005 State of the State Speech
Maryland Governor ~ Robert L. Ehrlich, Jr. ~ 2005 State of the State Speech: "First, I want to prevent drug and alcohol-related accidents by encouraging young drivers to exercise better judgment and greater responsibility behind the wheel.
Of the 651 people killed on Maryland highways in 2003, 106 were 21 years old or younger. Most accidents involving young drivers are attributable to three factors: inexperience, inattention, and impairment.
My friend Debi Hardy is with us today. She has educated young people about the dangers of drunk driving ever since her daughter, 13-year-old Janet Marie, was killed in October 2003. I commend her courage, commitment, and leadership.
Accordingly, I have introduce a three point legislative package that will lengthen the period for learner’s permits from four to six months, mandate a 90-day suspensions for violations of provisional license restrictions, and revoke the license of drunk and drugged drivers under the age of 21.
The worse kind of tragedy is that which can be easily avoided. We want young people to exercise good judgment, while reminding them that bad judgment brings consequences."

Driving Safety Quiz
Driving Safety Quiz

You are driving along a two lane road with a NO PASSING sign posted, and come upon a bicycle rider.

Do you:

A) follow this slow-moving bicycle rider for the next 2 miles, or do you

B) break the law and pass?

Which is the correct choice?

Scroll down...


Tuesday, February 22, 2005
Traffic Cop : Bad Driver Case Files
Traffic Cop : Bad Driver Case Files: "License PlateTEJ 818 (British Columbia)
Vehicle ClassI Collect Pension
OffenseThis case caught me off guard. An old lady passed me doing 20-25kph over the limit in what looked like a Cadillac or Oldsmobile. She continued to drive down the two lane road with her right signal flashing. She then moved into the left lane, with the right signal still flashing.
DateMay 2003
LocationKelowna, BC, Canada"

Traffic Cop : May 2004 Stake Out
Traffic Cop : May 2004 Stake Out

I'm not the only one, you know. There is a sense of outrage building.

Saturday, February 19, 2005
Check out My New Brakes
Check out My New Brakes: "Check out My New Brakes"

Friday, February 18, 2005
Daily Foo - Wheelie crash
Daily Foo - Wheelie crash

Wheelie crash

WTOL Video Player
WTOL Video Player
Train crashes into tractor trailer

Tuesday, February 15, 2005
Cop Car Crash
Cop Car Crash: "Driver crashes into Cop Car"

Snow Driving
Snow Driving: "Snow Driving "

You have seat belts and maybe airbags?
You get out of a moving car? And you might get run over by the next one? Get a BRAIN!!!!!!

Yahoo! News - Minn. Uses AstroTurf for Quieter Highways
Yahoo! News - Minn. Uses AstroTurf for Quieter Highways: "'What we have out there now, if you were riding a bike and fell on it, it would rip all the meat off your bones. It is very skid resistant,' said Rettner, who now is principal engineer for American Engineering Testing Inc. in St. Paul.
MnDOT won approval from the Federal Highway Administration to eliminate grooves on new concrete lanes in Minnesota. In new construction since 1999, Minnesota contractors have textured highways with AstroTurf or a similar technique employing stiff-bristled brushes. "

The oops list
The oops list
Many aviation crashes, but some good old ground-based transportation drivers who suck, too.

Direct link to each photo won't work.

go to the main list and look for each of these
http://www.micom.net/oops/ and look for each of these :


Charlotte Observer | 02/14/2005 | Big SUV deductions downsized
Charlotte Observer | 02/14/2005 | Big SUV deductions downsized: "For example: If you purchased a Hummer to be used for your business for $102,000 before the effective change date, the full cost could have been written off. If you purchased the vehicle between Oct. 23 and Dec. 31, your total deduction would be limited to $71,200, including the bonus depreciation. If the purchase was delayed into 2005, the deduction would be $40,400, including normal depreciation. The 50 percent bonus depreciation expired after the 2004 tax year."

FUH2 | Fuck You And Your H2
FUH2 Fuck You And Your H2: "Submissions 1601 - 1605 of 1605 "

I've seen a LOT of web sites............. This is AMAZING!!!!

FUH2 | Fuck You And Your H2
FUH2 Fuck You And Your H2: "The H2 is a tax loophole. Under Bush's new tax plan, business owners can deduct the entire cost of their $55,000 H2. If you are in the highest tax bracket, that's a tax savings of nearly $20,000! The government rewards you more savings for buying an H2 than you'd get for buying an electric car."

http://www.fuh2.com/deadh2.php Joyride with an idiot.

FUH2 | Fuck You And Your H2
FUH2 Fuck You And Your H2: "The H2 is a gas guzzler. Because it has a gross vehicle weight rating over 8500 lbs, the US government does not require it to meet federal fuel efficiency regulations."




http://wilson.greenpride.com/ = www.flipoffahummer.com/

Monday, February 14, 2005

Where NOT to park !

Sunday, February 13, 2005
Women Drivers
Women Drivers: "Parking lot rage, a hilarious clip from ``Malcolm in the Middle`"

Dangerous Intersection
Dangerous Intersection: "Dangerous Intersection "

This one, too...

Why you should wear a helmet while biking
Why you should wear a helmet while biking: " Why you should wear a helmet while biking"

OK, I know . No internal combustion engined vehicles were involved, but still....

MDJonline.com - Marietta, Georgia
MDJonline.com - Marietta, Georgia: "'Something obviously went wrong,' he said. 'We're trying to figure out why precautions did not work in this particular case. She's a 20-year veteran, not a first-year teacher.'

A 10th-grader told WXIA-TV that Erwin was telling the student to stop, and the student possibly panicked and hit the accelerator instead of the brake.

'When we arrived here we discovered a lady that was laying down lengthwise up underneath this car, wedged up underneath the bottom,' said Lt. Eric Jackson of DeKalb County Fire and Rescue.

Jackson said Erwin was conscious during the rescue, but 'she wasn't talking much.' "

NEWS of the WEIRD - Current News
NEWS of the WEIRD - Current News: "a 21-year-old student at the University of Nebraska Lincoln was killed when, not belted in, he was ejected from the back seat of an SUV in a crash; the student was prominent for his libertarian political views, including a defiant stand in the student newspaper against mandatory seatbelt laws. (He described himself as one of 'a die-hard group of non-wearers out there who simply do not wish to buckle up.')"

Friday, February 11, 2005
The Kaweah Commonwealth Online - Weekly News:
The Kaweah Commonwealth Online - Weekly News: "A Chevrolet Suburban descending Generals Highway in Sequoia National Park on the afternoon of Monday, Oct. 20, became a speeding deathtrap for a family of six as its brakes failed. It is estimated that the vehicle reached speeds of 50 to 55 miles per hour in areas where the speed limit is posted at 25 m.p.h. before crashing near Potwisha Campground.When the driver realized the brakes were no longer operable, he began passing vehicles to avoid hitting them from behind. After passing one vehicle, the Suburban re-entered its own lane to avoid oncoming traffic, and in doing so, hit a pickup truck.The Suburban then left the roadway and hit a large oak tree. The occupants of the pickup were not injured, but six people in the Suburban sustained injuries.Two of the victims were airlifted to medical facilities; four others were transported by ambulance. All are expected to recover from their injuries.The investigating ranger believes that the driver did not downshift the vehicle, but instead overused the brakes on the narrow, curvy road that descends 4,700 vertical feet in just under 17 miles, from Giant Forest to the Ash Mountain entrance station.'I've worked many accidents and most of them have been the result of people riding their brakes too hard until they fail,' said Scott Martin, park ranger and the accident's incident commander.' It is very important to remember to downshift when traveling on the Generals Highway, up or down these steep grades. If the people involved in this accident had not been wearing their seatbelts, this could have resulted in a real tragedy." Eight of the last 12 accidents in the Ash Mountain area have been brake-related.
Link: http://www.kaweahcommonwealth.com/10-03/10-31features.htm

Thursday, February 10, 2005
Daily Foo - Carma : Moron tries hitting a kid on a bike with the car door, gets what he deserves
Daily Foo - Carma : Moron tries hitting a kid on a bike with the car door, gets what he deserves: "Moron tries hitting a kid on a bike with the car door, gets what he deserves"

Wednesday, February 09, 2005
Va. May End Trial Use of Red-Light Cameras (washingtonpost.com)
Va. May End Trial Use of Red-Light Cameras (washingtonpost.com): "Opponents said the cameras are a violation of privacy, will not stop red-light runners and are used only to raise revenue for government. They added that the cameras flip the burden of proof from the government to citizens. "

Well, let me tell you something. After forking over $75 for my ticket, I am a LOT more careful at that particular intersection. And most others as well. But MOST of all at the place I got burned. You needed a stopwatch with thousandths of a second to show my BACK bumper was just over the line when the light changed.

OK, I'm screwed. Yuh got me....

The Bill Board
Restrictions on phone use in vehicles on this week�s hearings schedule - News - The Star Democrat - The Star Democrat

The Bill Board
Restrictions on phone use in vehicles on this week�s hearings schedule - News - The Star Democrat - The Star Democrat
: "SB50: Motor Vehicles - Restrictions on Use of Wireless Communication Devices While Driving Prohibiting the driver of a motor vehicle in motion from using an interactive wireless communication device such as a phone, text messaging device, personal digital assistant device or iPod held by the driver."

Monday, February 07, 2005
MSNBC - 4-year-old takes mom's car for a midnight spin
MSNBC - 4-year-old takes mom's car for a midnight spinFinding the store closed, the youngster began a slow trip home.“The mother said she taught him how to drive by letting him sit on her lap and steer.”

No charges will be filed against the boy or his mother, Heugel said.

Friday, February 04, 2005
Compfused.com - Stuck In the Snow
Compfused.com - Stuck In the Snow: "if you are going to try and tow a car make sure you tie the rope to the frame of the car and not the first plastic piece you can find."

Thursday, February 03, 2005
Autos: "Led by Dr. Petra Kempel, scientists from the University of Giessen in Germany have determined that people whose ring and index fingers are about the same length have a more difficult time with spatial skills, the ability to assess and orientate shapes and spaces, reports the BBC News Online. When we read maps and park cars, we use spatial skills."

Teen Driving Legislation (washingtonpost.com)
Teen Driving Legislation (washingtonpost.com): "Nationwide, more than 6,000 teens die in motor vehicle crashes each year, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. The Washington area has had a spate of youth driving fatalities recently, with 17 dead since September, the beginning of the school year.
Del. William A. Bronrott (D) was online Friday, Jan. 28, at 2 p.m. ET to discuss proposed legislation to address the teen driving problem. Read the story:Ehrlich Targets Teen Road Fatalities (Post, Jan. 14) "http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A7863-2005Jan13.html

Wednesday, February 02, 2005
LZD-608 Maryland
Saturday, 7:30AM
Route-50 Westbound

You entered from Rt-424. From the acceleration lane, you moved into the far right lane.

Then, within the next ten seconds, you moved into the middle lane. I was the only car near you within a quarter mile. I would have hit you if I did not swerve.

It might help if you used your DEFROSTER !!!!!!!!!!

M480-924 Maryland - Large SUV
4:30PM 31Jan05
Route-50 Eastbound
Just before Annapolis

See my previous post about idiots with cellphones who pull out into your lane without a turnsignal. I have to use my brakes because you can't look (twice) & properly judge and make a safe decision / action?

MRR-126 Maryland - Blue Toyota Solara
Route-404 to Rt-50 westbound
7am 02Feb05

Dangerous passing maneuvers.
Charging & Tailgating.
Passing in far right lane &
swooping back into left lanes.

Daily Foo - Ice sliding chain reaction accident
Daily Foo - Ice sliding chain reaction accident: "Ice sliding chain reaction accident"

Car vs. Telephone Wires in Texas - (Firehouse.com Photo Stories)
Car vs. Telephone Wires in Texas - (Firehouse.com Photo Stories): "The vehicle ran for over an hour until the oil had completely drained from the motor and it seized. Witnesses also reported that the driver jumped down from the vehicle and ran to catch a bus ."

Tuesday, February 01, 2005
Va. Bill Would Bar Cell Phone Use by Teen Drivers (washingtonpost.com)
Va. Bill Would Bar Cell Phone Use by Teen Drivers (washingtonpost.com): "'They're young, they're inexperienced. The last thing you would want them to do is to have additional distractions,' she said."

Not a bad idea.

The majority of people doing the mind-numbingly stupid act of :

" Look once (maybe,if at all) [never mind bothering to guage the speed differential of their vehicle to mine],
and change lanes, moving into my path nearly 100% of the time without a turn signal and causing me
{with equal measure} to do one of the following:
-Go around them to the left or right as if they were standing still,
-Slam on my brakes to avoid collision as I have no other option to manuver, or
-Slow down to the pace of both vehicles ahead, theirs & the one they are NOT passing.

These people are almost always (97.4%) using a cell phone in their left hand.
This causes them to be "unable" to reach the turn signal, turn their heads to look or even glance at their mirror long enough to make a concerted, intelligent decision based on more than just a microsecond of data.

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