2Old2Drive/Drivers Who Suck
Friday, September 17, 2004
45P-459 Maryland Gaines&Co. Underground Utilities
You cut me off at the end of the cones after the toll booths, forcing me to jam on my brakes. Inconsiderate, dangerous , and real rude with the middle finger near the top of the bridge.

You are really sad. I mean, I don't think I've seen anything so pathetic as this. Ever.
Anon? Show some, will ya?
LOL - I don't what anyone thinks! This is funny as heck!

Who cares if it isn't award winning journalism? It ain't like the 5-bazillion blogs composed of painfully dismal poetry written by a bunch of depressed chicks is winning any awards either...

So there.


Nyah Nyah in fact.

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