2Old2Drive/Drivers Who Suck
Sunday, January 30, 2005
Daily Foo - Parking problem
Daily Foo - Parking problem: "Parking problem"

Saturday, January 29, 2005
w900125: "the crew, which spoke very little English, failed to declare an emergency after running low on fuel. "


Smoke? Smells like shit to me.

Road Rage - Road Rage Cards - Roadragecards - Flip Book - Road Rage Flip Book - Roadrage - Roadrage Cards.
Road Rage - Road Rage Cards - Roadragecards - Flip Book - Road Rage Flip Book - Roadrage - Roadrage Cards.

Sunday, January 23, 2005
NEWS of the WEIRD - Current News
NEWS of the WEIRD - Current News: "a 20-year-old man suffered only minor injuries after driving his car through a fifth-floor wall of a parking garage and landing inside the second floor of a store at the Shoppes of Sunset Place in South Miami (December). [South Florida Sun-Sentinel, 12-14-04] "

GALLERY: "Not mine..."

The Volvo Owner's Resource

see photo with this caption:Not mine...

NEWS of the WEIRD - Current News
NEWS of the WEIRD - Current News: "As senior citizens resist the idea of age-specific driver testing, accidents continue in which police suspect the cause was an elderly driver who momentarily confused the gas pedal for the brake. Recent examples: 90-year-old man, crashed into a pharmacy, Scarborough, Maine, November; 83-year-old driver, drove off the second floor of a parking deck, Las Vegas, October; 80-year-old driver, smashed into a Veterans Day parade (one death), Whitman, Mass., November; 74-year-old man, crashed into a coffee shop, Corvallis, Ore., December; 74-year-old man, mowed down pedestrians on a sidewalk (two deaths), Montreal, Quebec, November. And in the most prominent case, George Weller, 87, heads back to court in January, having pleaded not guilty to vehicular manslaughter in the 2003 Santa Monica, Calif., farmer's market 'massacre' in which 10 people were killed and 63 injured when Weller couldn't find the brakes for 1,000 feet at 60 mph. [Portland Press Herald, 11-12-04] [Las Vegas Review-Journal, 10-26-04] [Boston Globe, 11-12-04] [Associated Press, 12-3-04] [Canadian Broadcasting Corporation News, 11-13-04] [New York Times, 11-5-04] "

Tuesday, January 18, 2005
Safe Driving Institute

87% said they should be able to speed, go through stop signs, or break other driving rules and regulations as long as no one gets hurt.
77% said they talk on cell phones while driving.
60% said they either frequently or occasionally eat while driving.
50% plus said that while trying to find a parking space in a crowded area, they often become so focused that they are oblivious to other drivers and pedestrians and often get into accidents, whether on the street or in a parking lot.
60% said they get frustrated driving behind large vehicles that obstruct visibility like SUVs.
70% believe that SUVs should be required to drive in a separate lane on the highway.
Nearly all indicated that they drive more carefully when they know police are in the area.
93% said they listen to the radio while driving and most indicated that they have often become distracted and, in some cases, have driven more aggressively.
87% believe that they are somewhat courteous drivers if not very courteous.
50% admitted making obscene or rude gestures or comments to other drivers, particularly those who cut in front of them on the highway.
50% said they have almost fallen asleep while driving.
Nearly all acknowledged that they are distracted when they have passengers in their vehicles, and most say during conversations they'll turn their heads and stop paying attention to the road.
53% pay a surcharge on their auto insurance because of their driving records "

M.E.R.V. (Vanity plate "MERV") DELAWARE
After a couple of lane changes lacking the use of turn signals (one which caused me to use my brakes), I passed you. Driver : wearing a pilots uniform. Wish I'd gotten a good look at your face, but no matter. At the rate I fly on commercial airlines, you'll be retired before I need to worry about your performance in the cockpit.

USATODAY.com - Web sites let drivers flag road ragers
USATODAY.com - Web sites let drivers flag road ragers: "Now there's an alternative to steaming along on road rage. Law enforcement officers in Arizona and Washington state are asking the public to head to the Web and report reckless drivers online. "

Wednesday, January 12, 2005
Daily Foo
Daily Foo

How not to do a front-brake wheelie.

NEWS of the WEIRD - Current News
NEWS of the WEIRD - Current News: "In September, Floyd Edwards, 78, set out to drive his friend Ruth Stancil, 62, and Edwards' son Clifford from their home near Erwin, Tenn., to nearby North Carolina towns for shopping, as they routinely do once a month. The round trip is usually about 100 miles, but once again, a senior driver became confused, lost track of time and distance, and was fearful of stopping. By the time the three returned, 60 hours later, they had traveled 1,600 miles, as far as an Atlanta suburb, where Edwards accidentally fell at a gas station and hit his head, necessitating a call to police, who were able to help the group turn around. [Atlanta Journal-Constitution, 9-11-04]"


NEWS of the WEIRD - Current News
NEWS of the WEIRD - Current News: "(c) A California county is systematically ticketing drivers who appear to be high only on kava herbal tea."

Well, at least it's not Racial profiling..........

NEWS of the WEIRD - Current News
NEWS of the WEIRD - Current News: "a 25-year-old driver was killed in St-Joachim, Quebec, on Sept. 24 when another car veered into his lane and hit him; police said the deceased was within his own lane but was distracted, in that he was apparently at the time engaged in sexual intercourse with a female passenger. (Having intercourse while driving, said a police spokesman, 'makes driving that much more dangerous.') [Ottawa Sun, 9-25-04]"

NEWS of the WEIRD - Current News
NEWS of the WEIRD - Current News: "In July 2003, Russell Weller, 88, made national news when he froze, with his foot on the accelerator, in Santa Monica, Calif., and plowed through a farmer's market, killing 10 people and injuring 63, in the worst of a recent spate of incidents in which senior citizens momentarily confuse the gas and brake pedals. In July 2004, families of two of the dead and nine of the injured beat the statute of limitations by filing lawsuits. Weller is named, but the main targets are the farmer's market, a local farmers' association, the Los Angeles County agriculture commissioner, the city of Santa Monica, and the state of California, all of whom were supposedly careless in allowing Weller to crash into the victims. [San Francisco Chronicle-AP, 7-13-04] "

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