2Old2Drive/Drivers Who Suck
Tuesday, January 18, 2005
Safe Driving Institute

87% said they should be able to speed, go through stop signs, or break other driving rules and regulations as long as no one gets hurt.
77% said they talk on cell phones while driving.
60% said they either frequently or occasionally eat while driving.
50% plus said that while trying to find a parking space in a crowded area, they often become so focused that they are oblivious to other drivers and pedestrians and often get into accidents, whether on the street or in a parking lot.
60% said they get frustrated driving behind large vehicles that obstruct visibility like SUVs.
70% believe that SUVs should be required to drive in a separate lane on the highway.
Nearly all indicated that they drive more carefully when they know police are in the area.
93% said they listen to the radio while driving and most indicated that they have often become distracted and, in some cases, have driven more aggressively.
87% believe that they are somewhat courteous drivers if not very courteous.
50% admitted making obscene or rude gestures or comments to other drivers, particularly those who cut in front of them on the highway.
50% said they have almost fallen asleep while driving.
Nearly all acknowledged that they are distracted when they have passengers in their vehicles, and most say during conversations they'll turn their heads and stop paying attention to the road.
53% pay a surcharge on their auto insurance because of their driving records "

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