Tuesday, February 01, 2005
Va. Bill Would Bar Cell Phone Use by Teen Drivers (washingtonpost.com)
Va. Bill Would Bar Cell Phone Use by Teen Drivers (washingtonpost.com): "'They're young, they're inexperienced. The last thing you would want them to do is to have additional distractions,' she said."
Not a bad idea.
The majority of people doing the mind-numbingly stupid act of :
" Look once (maybe,if at all) [never mind bothering to guage the speed differential of their vehicle to mine],
and change lanes, moving into my path nearly 100% of the time without a turn signal and causing me
{with equal measure} to do one of the following:
-Go around them to the left or right as if they were standing still,
-Slam on my brakes to avoid collision as I have no other option to manuver, or
-Slow down to the pace of both vehicles ahead, theirs & the one they are NOT passing.
These people are almost always (97.4%) using a cell phone in their left hand.
This causes them to be "unable" to reach the turn signal, turn their heads to look or even glance at their mirror long enough to make a concerted, intelligent decision based on more than just a microsecond of data.